Thursday 13 November 2014

Film Pitch.

1) The ‘log line’ (a one sentence summary of the film's narrative or appeal) - in task 3 above.
Zero To Hero.
2) Brief reference to your film's genre ("this film is an urban thriller...")
This film is a drama and a thriller.
3) Brief reference to at least one similar film ("this film is a cross between The Italian Job and Spy Kids...")
Slumdog Millionare.
4) Brief reference to the target audience for your film ("this film will appeal to the core cinema-going age group of 12-25...")
This film will appeal to the core cinema-going age group of 15-255) Indication of main characters ("The story is based around Jack - an honest guy who gets caught up in a major robbery - and Reuben, the villain who is after the money...")
The story is based around Omar an activist who wasn't as famous before he became a big rapper
6) Brief summary of narrative (what happens in the story)
He lives in a slum and is very poor but then when he decides to perform at a Palestinian protest the video goes viral.

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