Thursday 11 December 2014


1) Choose two TV News programmes to research.
Sky TV.2) Watch your two different TV News programmes on three different nights. Watch the wholebulletin each time and make notes on the following:
Title, date and time of bulletin
  • Presenters
  • News stories covered
  • Use of graphics, animation, video packages, interviews and live links (key conventions of TV News)
  • Use of modern or digital technology (cameraphone footage, audience tweets, hashtags, website links etc.)
  • Anything that encourages the audience to keep watching (dramatic video, animated graphics, previews of news or features later in the programme etc.)
Title: Newsround.
Date: Since 4th April 1972.
Time of bulletin: Daily... 8:15 AM and 4:30 and 7:00
Nel Hedayat.
Leah Gooding.
News Stories Covered:
4.Penguins going extinct.
5.Orange Carnival.3) Research the institutions behind your two TV News programmes. Find out the following for each:

  • Who owns or controls the institution
  • How the institution is funded or makes money
  • Any controversial issues or complaints that the institution has had to deal with in recent years
General Mark Thompson.
The institution is funded by the British Government.

4) Find out the target audience for your two TV News programmes. You should be able to find a detailed breakdown online if you search intelligently. If you cannot find anything, write what you think the target audience for the programme would be and why.