Thursday, 7 May 2015

News values: notes

In 1965, media researchers Galtung & Ruge analysed news stories to find out what factors placed them at the top of the news agenda.

They came up with the following list of news values - a kind of scoring system to work out what might become news. A story which scores highly on each value is likely to be at the top of a TV news bulletin. Some of the news values they suggested include:

Bad news - involving death, tragedy, natural disasters or political upheaval - is rated above 'positive' stories (royal weddings etc.)

Closeness to home
Audiences relate more to stories that are close to their home, or involve people from their country.

How recently did it happen? TV news is very competitive about breaking news – although it is now beaten by social media.

Simple stories are preferred by TV news.  Palestine is complicated, a plane crash is easy to follow.

‘Dog bites man’ is not news. ‘Man bites dog’ is. Unusual stories make it into the news – especially if there is good video to go with it.

Elite nations or people
Stories that focus on important countries or people are likely to make the news. Obama and USA = news, Outer Mongolia not so much.

24 hour TV news

There are some critical differences between a regular news bulletin and 24 hour news:

  • A bulletin contains carefully constructed ‘news packages’ and fully scripted presentation
  • 24 hour TV news is perfect for live, breaking news as it happens
  • 24 hour TV news is more dependent on dramatic pictures or video that will grab the audience and keep them watching

News values blog task

For each of the six news values we have learned, find a clip on YouTube from Sky News (24 hour news) and explain how it fits that news value. The Sky News YouTube channel is here.
I have chosen this video because although it fits into almost all the categories I think it especially fits into negativity and immediacy. Another category it definitely fits into is uniqueness the reason being that in those times there wasn't many stories of bombings and 3000 normal and innocent civilians dying for no apparent reason. It also fits into the category of elite nation or people because the country attacked (united states of america) is very known to the world and in some sense respected. The are known to be the police of the planet.